Trump Claims Solar Eclipse Racist Against Whites

Solar Eclipse Is Prejudice Against Whites, Says President Trump

Golf Town, USA.    President Trump said today that the only reason the solar eclipse is popular is because it’s black.  “This is racism against whites, pure and simple,” Trump said earlier.   “If the solar eclipse were white, no one would even bother to mention it, much less look at it.  What, do white eclipse lives NOT matter?  Must an eclipse be black in order for people to care about it?  Utter and complete racism.   It’s sickening how the fake, liberal media and the anti-fascists are going on about today’s eclipse.  ‘Oh, look how cool it is,’ they say.   ‘It’s just SO awesome and amazing!’  I’ve had enough.  I’m going to go have some ice cream and watch Fox News, the only news station not covering this despicably racist event.  Goodbye and Sieg Heil.”

Trump Declares Hitler Had A Point Too

His Side Had A Valid Point, Too, Says Donald Trump

Nazi Land, USA.   Donald Trump today said that Adolf Hitler had a perfectly valid point in his desire to kill every living Jew and become ruler of the Western world.  “All sides that were involved in WW2 did awful things,” Trump said earlier.  “The Allies bombed the f**k out of Berlin for years.  Was that nice?  Should Hitler have simply accepted what was happening, or should he have fought back?  For Christ’s sake, the Allies INVADED Hitler’s country in order to bomb it!  How is that OK?   It isn’t.  All sides involved in WW2 are equally responsible for the horrors of that war.  It saddens me that more God-fearing Americans do not see this.  Well, at least my sycophants in the Republican Party do.   I thank Jesus for them every day.  They put me where I am, and, for the most part, they love and support me and all I do.   God bless ’em.  And God bless the poor, and sadly misunderstood, white supremacists who are my staunchest supporters.  With their strength, and God’s love, I can’t help but make America great again.  Seig Heil, and Amen!”

Ask A Cadaver

Dear Cadaver, I’ve got a bit of a conundrum I hope you can help me with.  See, this Friday, I’ve several guests coming to the Vatican for a party.  My understanding is some of these guests are vegan and others are red meat lovers.  What in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ am I to serve them for dinner?  I don’t wish to offend the vegans by having red, cooked meat dripping delicious juices right next to a meatless eggplant parmesan.  I’m simply LOSING MY MIND OVER THIS!  What do you suggest I do?  Thank you, and may God bless you, Pope Francis, Vatican City, Italy


My dearest Pope Francis, thanks for the question.  Being a cadaver, I can readily understand your problem in dealing with dinner guests with varying palates.  You see, some people actually find my very presence at the dinner table, any dinner table, to be appalling.  “This f**kin’ dude is dead,” I often hear. “How in f**k’s name do you expect me to eat next to a decaying dead guy?  He f**kin’ SMELLS.”  The deep emotional pain these types of statements cause me is indescribable.  I’ve learned over the years, Pope Francis, that there’s no way to please everyone who’ll be at your dinner party.  Thus, I suggest you simply do what I do: serve whatever the f**k you want, and, if anyone complains about it and hurts your feelings,  puke up a handful of maggots and toss them on the table.  I f**kin’ guarantee you the last friggin’ thing your guests will be worried about after that is what’s for supper or whether or not their host is a cadaver.  I hope you find this advice helpful.  Yours in good health, a Cadaver

Stephen Miller To Publish Cookbook

Stephen Miller: Cookbook Author

Cannibal City, Iowa.   Donald Trump’s senior policy advisor, Stephen Miller, announced today he will soon be publishing a cookbook entitled, The Only Good Immigrant Is A Cooked Immigrant.   “Many people have falsely assumed I’m not very fond of immigrants,” Miller said earlier.  “This is simply not true.  I LOVE immigrants, if they’re cooked correctly.  See, ever since I was a small boy, skinning cats alive in my parent’s basement, I’ve dreamed of welcoming people from foreign lands into my home and cooking them.   In this context, immigrants are only an issue when too many arrive at once and there are not enough kitchens and/or cooks to accommodate them.   In order to correct this problem, I’ve decided to publish an immigrant cookbook to encourage more Americans to do as I do: cook and eat immigrants.

Got a problem with too many Polish immigrants moving into your building?   Then buy my cookbook and learn how to make REAL Polish sausage by killing, pulverizing, and cooking a few of them to thin out their numbers.   Too many Italian immigrants moving into your city?  Then buy my cookbook and learn how to turn them into meat lasagna in just 4 easy steps.   Like my pappy always used to say to me, ‘Stephen, there ain’t no immigrant you’ll dislike if you cook ’em right.’

My book will be out in early November, just in time for Christmas.  You can pre-order one right now on my website,, for just $68.94.  I’ll toss in a free “Sociopaths Are Fake News” t-shirt with the first 1000 orders, so act fast if you want one.    Happy eatin’ America.  I’ll see you in the kitchen.” 

5 Things I’ve Tried To Do That Didn’t Pan Out

1.)  I attempted to collude with Russia to become Mayor of Chicago, but, since Putin did not return my phone calls, it didn’t pan out.

2.) I tried to have conjugal visits with several women in the Cook County prison system, but, since none of them knew who I was, it didn’t pan out.

3.) I auditioned to become an internet porn star, but, because I refused to remove my clothes, it didn’t pan out.

4.) I tried to set a record time of 43 minutes in a local marathon, but, because I did the course in my car, it didn’t pan out.

5.) I attempted to become the first Jewish, Asian, Pope in the history of the Catholic Church, but, because I’m not Jewish, Asian, or a Catholic, it didn’t pan out.


Trump Fires Ivanka; Hires Rudy Giuliani As Daughter

President Trump’s New Daughter, Rudy Giuliani

‘Lil Hands, Iowa.   In stunning news today, even for the Trump White House, President Trump announced he has fired his daughter Ivanka from the job of being his daughter, supposedly over “creative differences,” and replaced her with former New York City Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.   “I’m both honored and flattered that President Trump has decided to hire me as his new daughter,” Giuliani said earlier.  “I’ve always dreamed of a day when I might be a blushing wife married to a handsome man like Jared Kushner.   I promise to be as faithful and honest to him as I will be to my new pops, Donald Trump.   Ivanka was a beautiful woman, but, apparently, she was not a very loyal daughter, a mistake I vow never to make.   Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to pick out a dress to wear tonight.  I’m having dinner with Donald and Melania and I want to look my best!”   *As a side note, Jared Kushner has thus far refused to comment on this stupendously unusual occurrence.