Trump Misses Letter While Reciting Alphabet Claims It Proves He’s A Genius

Trump: The Smartest Person To Have Ever Lived

Brilliant Valley, North Carolina.   President Trump today announced he was asked to recite the alphabet by his family physician to test his cognitive health and only missed one letter.   “Not only did I miss just one letter,” Trump said, “I also recited 18 of the remaining 25 letters in the correct order.   Now, let Joe Biden try to top that, eh?!  My physician told me my performance on this ‘alphabet test’ PROVES my mind is operating at a genius IQ level.  He also told me that the letter I missed, ‘X’, I believe it was, is a stupid letter that only stupid people like Democrats would remember anyway.  And just let Joe Biden try to get 18 letters of the alphabet in the correct order without mixing up a few!  Ha!  He couldn’t get two in row right much less 18!  SAD!!  So, as all who are fair to me and intelligent can see, my mind is operating at peak capacity and I’m clearly the most qualified person to be President.  Period.  End of story.  MAGA!”

Tucker Carlson Has Butt Plug Permanently Stitched Into Anal Cavity

Tongue Up Trump’s Ass City, New York.   Tucker Carlson of Fox News fame today stated that the reason his face is always in an expression of severe pain is because he’s had a butt plug in the shape of Donald Trump’s mushroom penis permanently shewn into his anal cavity.

“The reason my face always looks as if I’m in severe pain,” Tucker said earlier today, “is because I AM always in severe pain.  It hasn’t always been like this, but, in order to show my deep, deep love of President Trump, I’ve recently had an orange, mushroom-shaped butt plug permanently shewn into my rectal cavity which causes me continual pain when sitting and when going number two.  However, the pain is worth it because, in this way, I feel as if a piece of the President, namely, his orange, mushroom-shaped penis, is always deep inside my body and with me no matter where it is I travel.  I honestly believe that if more Americans did this, America would be a much more homogeneous and peaceful place in which to live.   I vow to never have this plug removed from my body until EVERY liberal in America is crushed beneath the all-powerful mushroom-penis of the greatest man who’s ever lived, President Donald J. Trump.  Go Trump!!!  And remember to vote red in November in order to MAGA!  MAGA! MAGA!”