More On My 2020 Platform For The Senate

I just read report by some libtard, weak-kneed SJW fool that poverty, in America, is caused by “environment”.   Well, to this I say, “Environment my fat, dimpled ass!”  It’s gas chambers and crematoriums that are needed to end poverty in America, not fixes to the “environment,” and, by Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I stand by this statement! Look, we can ALL agree that poverty in America is caused by one thing and one thing only: laziness.  Only the lazy CHOOSE to be and remain poor.  The poor, like the disabled, the elderly, and the gay, are stains on this proud, Christian country. America was founded by strong, straight, non-disabled, non-poor, white men. There can be NO argument here. None. The only way to end laziness, poverty, disabled people, non-Christain people, and gay people, is to gas and cremate those who deliberately choose to live these lifestyles.  Let’s be clear here, these are lifestyle CHOICES we are talking about.   NO ONE is poor for ANY other reason in America except laziness. PERIOD!

Environment My Ass! Laziness Causes Poverty!

I should NOT have to deal with these types of “people,” and neither should anyone else.  So, vote for me for the Senate in 2020 and I’ll bring to Congress my platform to gas and cremate EVERY person in America who is SO lazy as to be poor, gay, disabled, and/or old. Truly, with the love and help of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and me as a senator, we can make America Free Again so decent, Christian, straight, non-poor, non-gay, non-lazy Americans can walk the streets safely, proudly and without the blight of lazy people assaulting us at every turn.
God bless, America, and God bless those who choose to not be so fucking lazy as to be poor, disabled, gay, or old. $Amen$

My 2020 Platform For The Senate

As some of my readers may know, I’m running for the Senate in 2020 on the following platform: We need to rid America of the pestilence that is poverty by building gas chambers and crematoriums throughout our great country to “get rid” of the poor, the elderly and the disabled–ain’t nuttin worse than a poor AND disabled person, BTW–by gassing and cremating the lazy bastards, ASAP.

I’m SICK and tired of the poor! SICK OF THEM!!!!  It is SO obvious that the poor are poor by choice due to their laziness. This is simply NOT arguable.  Anyone arguing otherwise is a leftist, liberal, SJW piece of crap unable to have calm, rational, non-name-calling discussions.  Period.  We also need to make America a Christian theocracy and put an end to the craziness that is gay marriage and gay “people” in general.  Being gay, like being poor, is a conscious CHOICE done by lazy people who refuse to do the work necessary to be true, God-loving, decent, non-poor, non-disabled, tax-paying, Jesus- worshiping, heterosexual human beings. Again, these are facts and are inerrant in their truth. To deny this is to admit ones own laziness and to brand oneself as a liberal, leftist, snowflake, whining, Hillary-loving, anti-American hack.

To conclude, America will never be free for decent, non-poor, non-gay, Christian humans until enough gas chambers and crematoriums are built to “eliminate” the blight of lazy bastards like the poor and the “gay” from the face of the earth. This can best be done under the all-loving embrace of a Christian theocratic government where the love of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is placed above the hideous laziness of the poor, the gay, the disabled and the gay, disabled poor.

A Vote For Me Is A Vote For Christ

MAFA.  Make America Free Again in 2020.  Vote for me, and help me gas and cremate the poor, the gay, the non-Christian, the disabled and, most importantly, the poor, gay, non-Christian disabled folks who tarnish America’s greatness with their lazy stench and sickening lifestyle.
Yours in Christ’s love, The Arm Chair Pontificator.

P.S. I forgot to mention, we also need to gas and cremate anyone seeking or talking about getting or performing an abortion. These LAZY people, if you can truly even call them “people”, clearly do not deserve the love of Christ or to be anywhere near true, decent, Jesus-loving Americans. Have a lovely day, and remember: Vote for The Arm Chair Pontificator in 2020 so we can begin to bring my dream of a pure, non-lazy America to fruition by wiping out those less worthy, and far more lazy, than we, ourselves, are.  $Amen$

Eyes Open On Shroud Of Turin

Another older post few got to see. Check it out. It’s short.

The Arm Chair Pontificator

In Rome this morning, Fr. Peter Doodelbug, Chief Archeologist of the Vatican, revealed this photograph of The Shroud of Turin which he claims he personally took just yesterday.

Wadda You Lookin' At! Wadda You Lookin’ At!

“I rolled the Shroud back to take a little peek last night, and its eyes opened! Good thing I had my phone camera on me and was able to take this picture. I also could swear I heard the Shroud speak. It said, ‘Wadda YOU lookin at man?!’ or something to that effect,” Fr. Doodelbug said, as he rode an exercise bike in the Vatican gym while conducting this interview.

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