I Am Not Agnostic, I Am Non-Theistic, Or A-Theistic

To the next theist who tells me it is not possible for me, or any one else, to really be an a-theist, or that a-theism is a religion or a “Faith” based belief of some kind, I offer the following definitions:

1. the·ism
noun: theism
belief in the existence of a god or gods, esp. belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures

2. a·the·ism
noun: atheism

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.Atheism Defined

The definition of atheism starts and ends here for me. I do not care if others belong to atheistic churches, are new or old atheists, seek to convert the religious to become non-religious, or actively hate theists. The definition starts and ends for me with the one above. I find the defensive, battle-ready stance of some theists when I say I’m a non-theist to be offensive, ignorant, bigoted, and above all else, really fucking annoying. What’s even more annoying is when Christians try to tell me who it is I am.  I recently was told that I can’t REALLY be an a-theist because one can’t know ABSOLUTELY that Jesus doesn’t exist, so at best all I, or any non-believer, can truly be is agnostic.  After reflecting on this being said to me, I’ve come up with this response: Fuck You! Fuck you, you defensive Christian pussy. No, really. Fuck you!

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let me define who I am to the Christian idiots who think they know me better than I do myself.  Just because it is impossible to prove a thing does not exist, does not mean that it does, or that I think it does. I do not believe the following things exist because I see NO evidence that they do: Big Foot, UFO’s, Aliens who kidnap people, fondle them, then return them to their beds without leaving a single piece of evidence they were ever there, Ancient Aliens who built the pyramids, The Loch Ness Monster, Thor, Odin, Loki, Osiris, Isis, Jesus, Allah, Vampires, Ghosts, Spirits, etc, etc, etc.  Please note that I did not say it’s IMPOSSIBLE for these things to exist. I simply see no reason AT ALL to believe they do. Christians are atheists when it comes to Ra, Zeus, and Isis. They’re not agnostic when it comes to them. They simply do not believe they exist. I’m a non-theist when it comes to all gods, even Jesus. And if you’ve forgotten already what that word means, see the above definitions again and the Sam Harris quote below. Keep reading them over and over until they sink into the muddled mass of feces you call a brain, and STOP thinking you are so omnipotent as to know me. You don’t. You DO NOT define me. I do.Sam Harris On Definition Of Atheism Lastly, the same Christians who’ve been so quick to define me are perhaps the most defensive fuckers about their own omnipotent “Faith” as I’ve ever seen people be. I do not believe what you do. I do not care that you believe it. I know it is central to your life, but it isn’t to mine. I’ve no interest in attacking you or converting you, yet this does not seem to matter. It’s as if my disbelief in your god somehow threatens you and your god. This behavior makes you and your god pussies in my eyes, and places a neon sign over your head that reads: “Idiot Seeking Argument Out Of Fear Of Being Wrong. Stay Clear.” I am not interested in debating with Christians, converting them, hating them, or treating them in any other way than I treat anyone else or expect myself to be treated. But know this, judge me, think you’ve some divine right to define and label me, and you’ve gained an enemy, someone who hates not only you, but your mother for having you and your father for fucking your mother and impregnating her with you. If I had total confidence in the fact that an almighty being was REALLY my creator, and I was going to Heaven when I died, I’d not be such a defensive pussy when someone simply told me they did not share my beliefs. That is the sign of a weasel, a spineless weasel who must make others wrong so that he can feel right about himself and his”Faith.” I did not come to the realization I was an atheist with hate in my heart for Christians who behave in such a way. But it is there now. They’ve earned it. Every single last bit of it.

88 thoughts on “I Am Not Agnostic, I Am Non-Theistic, Or A-Theistic

  1. Well, that was a rant.

    I suppose my turn will come.


  2. And again I say …

    “I do not believe what you do. I do not care that you believe it. I know it is central to your life, but it isn’t to mine.”



  3. Zeus exists though right … right!? If not how else am I going to get the chance to marry Aphrodite, and Wonder Woman!!


  4. But I hope you are interested in eating their babies


  5. I was listening to an album on Youtube and right when I started reading your post this tune was playing simultaneously. Talk about the surround sound effect. 😀


  6. you would enjoy being a jewish child in s.c. ,living near bob jones university. if i had a nickel for every time: “have you been saved”.. 8 of my frined’s fathers were baptist ministers…once my catholic n y boyfriend .supervisor of the atf in charleston said you have a church on every corner…..& the worst is the “jews for jesus” started with me in the 90’s …there os no such thing ,if you believe in jesus , you are not jewish & after 20 years, last week , i told one they can go to he!! for all i care.i am not getting sick anymore from arguing with them & asking them to stay away from me forever.


  7. Allow me to illustrate the error in your line of thinking: you don’t believe in god. That means you’ve heard of the guy. If you’ve heard of a guy that must mean he exists. If he exists, that means you believe he does. If you believe he exists, you are a theist. If you are a theist, you’re not an atheist, unless of course you don’t believe in god. But if you don’t believe in god, that means you’ve heard of the guy. If you’ve heard of a guy…etc. etc…

    I wonder how long it will take humanity to stop having this argument…


    • Until they realize I’m God because my Faith tells me I am.


    • erm, have you heard of Bob? Well, now you have. Bob is my invisible friend. If you’ve heard of him that means he exists and if he does that means you believe he does. You’d better because Bob likes to fuck with people like you; hide your keys, spill your drinks on you, make policemen hear cursing when you are around and stuff like that. All you have to do is publicly declare your belief in Bob and you’ll be protected from all these bad things and more.

      There, I think that frames it a bit better.


    • And here I was thinking there was only one invisible guy out there named Joe. Now you say there’s a Bob. Welp. Time to go kill a few Bob believers then. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. And true to form, though I thought I made it VERY clear that debate is not something I was seeking here, I’ve had Christian’s pointing out how I’m wrong not to believe in their god. What a frail, weak, belief they have to feel compelled to defend it every time someone says they simply don’t believe it and aren’t interested in debating it. Even though I say I think it is fine they believe what they do and I’m not judging them for it or trying to convert them to disbelief, and even though I say all am asking for from them is to be accepted as I’m accepting them, still they insist on telling me I’m wrong not to believe in their god. I think it is they who don’t believe their own bullshit, and they, themselves, they are trying to convince that their god is who they were told he is. Weak. Pathetic, and very fucking annoying.


    • Yes, they don’t seem to understand the “Thanks, but no thanks.”


    • To me, it’s akin to saying the moon is made of cheese and continually trying to convince those who say it isn’t that it is. Very unconvincing way to convert people to their religion. Charlemagne had a better way, back in the day when he was converting pagans for the Pope. He’d tell non-believers that, “You can join my god, or meet him.” With a sword to my neck, I’d be converted, too.


    • Ha! For a little while. Christians did the same in Jerusalem when it was sacked. Forgot what year, but the local bishop told everyone “gods going to turn a blind eye while you convert to Islam to save your lives.”


    • There’s a Ridly Scott movie with Orlando Bloom about the crusades called, I think, “Days of Heaven” where that is touched on. Ain’t nothing like a battle over a Holy Land in an arid, hot, wind blown desert to inspire converts to your deity of choice.


    • Oh, that is where i might have seen it. Arghhh, fiction and non-fiction blurring…


    • “Kingdom of Heaven” is the name of the film. I liked it. Fiction and non-fiction blurring, eh? Sounds like the makings of an undeniably true religion.


  8. Razor sharp philosophy – great stuff Sir.


  9. Reblogged this on The Daily Pause and commented:

    Just a thought the minutes ago: By the mere mention and/or “thought” of a “god”, y’all have created a “god”! Therefore, there exists a “god”. Could anyone define this logic? Thanks!


  10. Your hate can go back to generations! Reminds of their god saying he will punish sons and their children for four generations or something more I can’t remember how many


  11. I just signed up on this sight. I am a girl, I look nothing like that green hairy icon guy. LOL


  12. if it helps any, I am a Christian, but I guess not a F*** one, anyway I have no problem with you believing there is no God or anything else. Free will! I read what you wrote because I like to see other peoples points of view. thanks


  13. Easter bunny? Tooth fairy? The Great Pumpkin?


  14. Rock on with your bad self…. I’m right there with you brother.


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