Bullshit Quotes From History


"I swear to all the gods that ever were, and ever will be, this is a real picture of me." The Arm Chair Pontificator, circa 2016

“I swear to all the gods that ever were, and ever will be, this is a real picture of me.”  The Arm Chair Pontificator, circa 2016



"I'm sorry, Bambi. I didn't really mean to shoot your mother in the head and blow her brains all over the meadow." Unknown Deer Hunter, circa 1942

“I’m sorry, Bambi. I didn’t really mean to shoot your mother in the head and blow her brains all over the meadow.” Unknown Deer Hunter, circa 1942



"Look, I promise, I'm simply going to tiptoe, quietly, right through Tokyo, and you'll never known I was ever hear. OK?" Godzilla to the Japanese people, circa 1954

“Look, I promise, I’m simply going to tiptoe, quietly, right through Tokyo, and you’ll never known I was ever hear. OK?” Godzilla to the Japanese people, circa 1954



"The greatest enemy to America, and by far, the laziest group of people who've ever lived, are poor people." Current Era Republican Party Mantra

“The greatest enemy to America, and by far, the laziest group of people who’ve ever lived, are poor people.”   Current Era Republican Party Mantra



"No ma'am, I didn't put a pill in your drink to knock you out so I can molest you. Why, oh why, would I ever do something like that?" Bill Cosby, circa 1984

“No ma’am, I didn’t put a pill in your drink to knock you out so I can molest you. Why, oh why, would I ever do something like that?”  Bill Cosby, circa 1984

22 thoughts on “Bullshit Quotes From History

  1. Pingback: 20160118-1329-Link – The Daily Pause

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  3. 1: Yeah, right.
    2: I’m crying now. And not with laughter.
    3: Lol
    4: This makes me so angry
    5: I still cannot get over this. At all. I can be pretty cynical at times, but for some strange reason I would have sworn Bill Cosby was the nicest man on the planet 😦


    • I know. The Bill Cosby thing is heart breaking. I kept hoping it was all wrong, but, man, it isn’t. Drugging women to have sex with them? Not cool, Bill. Not cool at all.


    • It’s the most awful thing because I would NEVER have expected something like that from him. You know how sometimes an awful revelation comes to light about some celebrity and you’re like, yeah, I’m not that surprised. But with Bill Cosby I was floored! Still am.


    • I’m floored, too. I really liked and admired this guy. Funny, smart, didn’t resort to cussing and smut to be funny. What a heart breaking shame. And WHY?! The dude is rich and famous. He could get woman without force. So sad.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I know! The Cosby show was always so inspiring as well, full of vital life lessons and so on. Well, I thought so as a kid anyway. I’m wondering if he was one of those weirdos who get a kick out of a “saintly” public image while doing unspeakable things behind the scenes. So not cool.


  4. Wow, that really is a picture of you? Do you know people use your picture all over Grindr?:P


    • Yeah. I’ve thought about filing a lawsuit, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. How’ve you been, my friend?


    • I’ve been doing great! I decided that this will be the year I will become a famous writer. That’s why I published my book “Kim Jong-un – The Super Secret Diary of a Young Dictator” at Amazon…That’s 576 pages of Kim, a book almost as fat as the great leader himself….and today I got my first review, a 1 star comment from someone I’m pretty sure is on Kim Jong-un’s payroll. Seriously, check out the sales pages and the review and my comment: http://www.amazon.com/Kim-Jong-Super-Secret-Dictator-ebook/dp/B01ADKQS02/ref=cm_rdp_product

      Anyway, if you want I’d be happy to send you a copy by email. The only thing I ask of people is that if they read it, they’d be kind enough to leave a review on my Amazon page, regardsless of their opinion.

      Then again, I don’t want to be shoving 576 pages down your throat Jehovah’s witness-style, even though my book is way more fun than theirs.
      Please let me know if I can send a copy your way. Know the honor would be mine, though, so once again, don’t feel obliged.

      How have you been? I must say your writing/sketching/blogging/whatever you want to call it has improved in my opinion. It looks like you’re more comfortable in the style you created when you started out at first.
      Sorry btw for not being your most loyal fan. Apart from writing my own blog (which gets about 10 views a day or so;)) I have left WordPress to focus on other stuff, such as writing and marketing my book.
      If you do however feel like having a go at Kim Jong-un and/or North Korea on your blog, please let me know. I’d be very happy to share your work on the facebook page I created to promote my book.

      All the best to you, may those people from Sweden finally award you a Nobel Prize in 2016!


    • YES! Absolutely. Send me a copy. I’ll read it and comment on it on Amazon. So cool that you wrote and published it. I have gotten a lot more comfy writing my stuff. It’s more fun now, too, and, I feel it’s very necessary to do. There are many tight-assed idjits who need to be called out as such. Great to hear from you, and please email the book. $Amen$


    • Just read the review of your book. You’re response is correct, the reviewer do not read the book. I will, and I’ll leave a review.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for that…kinda needed that;) The fact that you would actually read my book makes me feel humble like one of the seven dwarves in the presence of a dinosaur, for lack of a better metaphor, or simile, or whatever…my grammar sucks apparently:P
      Point is, thank you for the favor! Where can I email it to?


    • Btw please do go on letting idiots know what kind of idiots they are…there’s a point in my book where Kim Jong-un starts drawing Mohammed cartoons…I actually thought of you when I wrote that;)


  5. Oh no, there goes Tok-y-o go go Godzilla!


  6. Pingback: 20130118-1329-Link – The Blogging Path

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