RIP Leonard Nimoy


Leonard Nimoy passed away today. As a fan of Star Trek for over forty years, I’m deeply saddened to hear this news. Rest in peace, Mr. Nimoy, and thank you for all the enjoyment you’ve brought to my life with your wonderful portrayal of Mr. Spock over the decades.

28 thoughts on “RIP Leonard Nimoy

  1. He was a true “alien” if there ever was one. I really liked what George Takai said about him … “” We return you now to the stars.”


    • Yes. Me too. Nimoy was a good man. He seemed to be sincerely nice and caring, and never did I get an impression of bloated ego from him. George Takai is a fine fellow too. 🙂 Pretty soon, all those guys will be gone. I feel SO old.


  2. R.I.P., Leonard Nimoy. I grew up on Star Trek. I was just a kid when my dad watched Captain Kirk, Spock, and Dr. McCoy have Scotty beam them up. I always liked Spock the best.

    On a completely unrelated note: Over forty years?!? I would have guessed you were much younger than that.


  3. Oddly he was the one through the early Star-trek years who let me know (from the part he played) it was not that unusual to be someone who took things literally as I do – always have. Once I realized that it ensured I ‘got my leg across’ far more often than I had previously! An important thing for a much younger me! A fine chap; a fine tribute.


  4. I’ve been more of a Whovian than a Trekkie, but I know Nimoy well from his work on Fringe. I’m sad. He lived well and prospered, but not quite long enough.


  5. Oh no, this is sad! Spock was my favorite Star Trek character by far. As a child, I emulated many of the qualities he portrayed in that role.


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