Eyes Open On Shroud Of Turin

Another older post few got to see. Check it out. It’s short.

The Arm Chair Pontificator

In Rome this morning, Fr. Peter Doodelbug, Chief Archeologist of the Vatican, revealed this photograph of The Shroud of Turin which he claims he personally took just yesterday.

Wadda You Lookin' At! Wadda You Lookin’ At!

“I rolled the Shroud back to take a little peek last night, and its eyes opened! Good thing I had my phone camera on me and was able to take this picture. I also could swear I heard the Shroud speak. It said, ‘Wadda YOU lookin at man?!’ or something to that effect,” Fr. Doodelbug said, as he rode an exercise bike in the Vatican gym while conducting this interview.

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7 thoughts on “Eyes Open On Shroud Of Turin

  1. Kind of reminds me of someone, can’t quite place it…….no don’t tell me it’ll come…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh that we should ALL be so fortunate as Fr. Doodelbug! What a story we would have for our grandkids.

    Liked by 1 person

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