27 thoughts on “Thoughts On Making America Great Again

  1. That’s a thought I can get behind


  2. SIGN ME UP RIGHT NOW!!! I’ve never REALLY felt this place was ever my true home anyway! I belong with the human race! 😝😎


    • Me, too. Let’s go together, my friend. BTW, I see Mr/Ms LeRoy is dirtying your blog again with his/her arrogant, silly comments. A hate-filled christian he/she is. I refer to him/her as he/she, because I’m not sure of his/her gender or gender identification. He/she goes by the names “Bobby” and “Sandra” as well as “LeRoy”. He/she has different avatars for each account. I’m guessing he/she is struggling with being a right-wing douche-bag christian whilst trying to come to terms with his/her sexual identity at the same time. There’s a lot of eggs scrambled in his/her basket, so it explains, IMO, much of the outward rage he/she expresses at anyone disagreeing with him/her, as well as his/her blatant misogyny. If he/she posts a comment as “LeRoy”, respond to him/her by calling him/her “Sandra”. That sets off a steam engine of whacky the likes of which you’ve not yet witnessed. He/she actually is so nasty and vile, he/she makes SoM seem mild by comparison. Deeply troubled person.

      Liked by 2 people

    • OMG! I’d completely forgotten about dear old his/her (I banned her/him from my blog long ago). Feel so sorry for PT that he’s been subjected to him/her …it?.

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    • Oh, the Professor banned him/her, too. Truly something is amiss that individual. So much bile and hate from the mouth of a christian. Did you ever see a comment section where I got him/her to blow up at me and call me every swear name in the book? Happened once or twice on Zande’s blog.


    • Been awhile since he last posted on my blog … but he most definitely can get nasty. Don’t recall seeing the confrontation you mentioned … but I don’t doubt it a bit. Very weird individual.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes indeed.


    • It’s all that obvious, huh? 😉 😛


  3. Well, as a person with a permanent tan, I second what Chief Bigly Bear here states so succinctly. I’d even help ’em climb into the boats and then stand on the shore, you know, just to make sure they ALL leave!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Chief Bigly Bear,

    My skin tone is kinda brown – olive really, from my Sicilian heritage. My father’s family immigrated to the U.S. around the time of the Titanic disaster, and my mother didn’t arrive until 1954. We were discriminated against by Whitey too, although nowhere near as badly as you Native Americans were.

    If you manage to kick out Trump and his racists supporters, can I stay?

    WOP in Washington

    Liked by 1 person

    • Love it! What would good old George Washington think of our draft-dodging, daddy’s boy, little sissified bitch of a president, I wonder. Call tRump a draft-dodging sissified bitch in front of a trumpanzee and watch the ‘lil snowflake melt. They don’t like it when their master is mocked by saying the truth about him.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Musings from the UK….
    I bet you wish you’d not made all that fuss over a little thing like a tax on tea back in the 1770s…..

    Liked by 2 people

    • To Jest: In the middle ages, when two opposing knights would face each other on horseback shouting ironical barbs at each other, it was said they were in a “jesting” contest with each other. “How dare you insult the color of my socks! I challenge you to a Jest, you scurvy bastard!”

      Liked by 2 people

    • I love a bit of etymology. Sends chills up and down my spine. Shudders

      Liked by 1 person

    • Etymology: A word created by the ancient alien species who built the pyramids. “Hey, give me a hand over here, will ya’! This huge block is heavier than a sack full of etymology after it’s been soaked in water.” Also, “Beware the Etymologites-they’ll rob ya’ blind when ya’ ain’t lookin’!”

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