Now For A Word From Aquaman

Hi kids!  Just your friendly neighborhood Aquaman here with today's tidbit on the benefits of living under water.  Living under water is AWESOME cause when you gotta pee, you just let it go.  No need for urinals or toilets down here, kids!  Ahhh!  I just went right now.  Boy, do I feel better.  Bye now.

Hi kids!  Just your friendly neighborhood Aquaman here with today’s tidbit on the benefits of living under water.  Living under water is AWESOME cause when you gotta pee, you just let it go.  No need for urinals or toilets down here, kids!  Ahhh!  I just went right now.  Boy, do I feel better.  Bye now, and remember, if you gotta eat tuna, for Christ’s sake, make sure it’s dolphin safe.

30 thoughts on “Now For A Word From Aquaman

  1. Pingback: LMG’s Internet Buffet – “Inspired Humor” | LMG comic updates

  2. Everyone has peed in the water at some point, right?


  3. OMF!!! You’ve no idea how much my face hurts from laughing!!
    (And I loved the subtle “editing” job! Totally seen whatcha did there…⬆) 😂😂😂😂


  4. Hilarious, thank you for a good laugh!

    Take care,


  5. What about eating tuna in pee water? Not sure I understand. Of course as I am allergic to all see food, especial shell fish, I have not had any pee tuna to try. I just realized that pee water in the sea is like air pollution that we do all the time.. So it equals out. Thanks and hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As a retired commercial diver I can safely recommend, do NOT pee in your wetsuit! Peeing in the water however is done daily by 10 gazillion fish and assoretd critters, so Im not sure how 1 little pee by me will be an ecological disaster.

    This statemnet neither confirms or suggests the poster has ever peed in the water. The poster does not admit he has peed in the water. The poster denies and will defend any accusations he may have peed in the water.

    Liked by 1 person

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