Summertime Bible Quotes

And the people cried out unto Jesus, "Lord, we have mustard but no ketchup, hot dogs but no burgers, buns, but not cheese, and chips but no fries.  How, oh, Lord, are we to have a picnic like this?"  And Jesus replied,"Look now, and your condiments and BBQ meats, and tell me what you see?" And the people looked down, and all that they said was missing was now, miraculously, there.  Luke 18:67-70

And the people cried out unto Jesus, “Lord, we have mustard but no ketchup, hot dogs but no burgers, buns, but no cheese, and chips but no potato salad.  How, oh, Lord, are we to have a BBQ like this?” And Jesus replied, “Look now, at your condiments and BBQ meats, and tell me what you see?” And the people looked, and all that they said was missing was now, miraculously, there.   Luke 18:67-70

23 thoughts on “Summertime Bible Quotes

  1. What? No bratwurst? What the hell kind of BBQ were they having? Heathens I tell ya. Heathens.

    I know, I know maybe they weren’t quite yet ready for pork, but did they know what was in the hot dogs?


  2. Jesus performing miracles wherever he went eh


  3. Seems more than mortals like a good feed..with all the fixings. Hugs


  4. Er, coughs I am a woman and I like Holy Grail. Very much so actually, I find it hilarious. Like this blog 😉


  5. And thus it was that the western world got fat!


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