Anti-Christ Has Message For Jesus

Anti-Christ Pointing Out To Christ That His Fly Is Open

Anti-Christ Tells Jesus, “Your Barn Door Is Open.”

Cheeky City, England.  During a rehearsal today for his upcoming production of Hamlet, Jesus was warned by His brother, the Anti-Christ, that His fly was open. “Thank Myself he did that,” said The King of Kings, “I can just imagine how embarrassing it would have been to be in the middle of the To be or not to be speech and have people laughing cause my fly was wide open. Ugh! My brother gets a bad rap, but deep down, he’s a pretty good bloke. You just have to get to know him is all.”
Hamlet will open this June in Chicago with Jesus as Hamlet, Moses as Polonius, Mary Magdalene as Ophelia, Abraham as the Ghost, and the Anti-Christ as Laertes. Satan is rumored to be playing Claudius, though that has not yet been officially confirmed.

11 thoughts on “Anti-Christ Has Message For Jesus

  1. “My brother gets a bad rap…..” doesn’t he just? Hahaha
    On a serious note, why have I not seen this until now?? I went through the reader religiously for a couple of days. Confused.


    • I updated it from awhile ago because no one saw it back then. I think it fuckin’ confused WordPress. The bastards. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I must say I’m really unimpressed with WordPress right now. It’s never been perfect but the last few weeks have been pretty bad. Some posts don’t show up in my reader, I randomly unfollow people apparently, even though I don’t, and I keep finding days-old comments that I never got notifications for. I particularly hate this last one because I don’t want people thinking I’m ignoring their input if they’ve taken the time to read my stuff and comment. Anyway, rant over 🙂


  2. I’m sorry but that pic suggest a level of familiarity that brothers ought not be familiar with.

    Kind of looks to me like the horny one is about to slip something in from the back, while distracting from the front…?


  3. Your posts are just too funny! I love them so much! 😄


  4. Wonderful review but I feel bad for the “Holy Ghost” who sometimes goes by the stage name holy spirit. Seems he couldn’t even do the part of a ghost well and got totally cut from the production. Seems like a step child treatment to me? Love it. Hugs


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